juli 2024
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Terms & conditions



CVR. nr. 41441496
Sankt Peders Stræde 43, 1453 Copenhagen

From this point onward referred to as ‘The Studio’.


The season duration is 10 months (August to June).
When purchasing drop-in, trial options, or room rental, the booking will be valid as soon as you receive a receipt by e-mail.
If you sign up for a membership subscription, the membership will not be valid until the first time after the 1st day of the following month.

i.e., if you sign up in the middle of a month, your access to the class is not valid on the 1st day of the following month.

For example, if you subscribe on September 15th, you can join the class the first time, after October 1st at the earliest.

The customer will receive confirmation of subscription via e-mail upon registration.

Contact our administration if you wish to attend the class you have signed up for before the time established above at: or telephone: 22 34 48 47.

By signing up or making a purchase the customer accepts all of The Studio’s business and delivery terms and conditions stated in this letter.

All membership subscriptions are binding for an entire season, with a duration of 10 months and/or for the rest of the season from the registration has taken place.


In the event of long-term illness or similar circumstances, the membership can be temporarily suspended from the date
The Studio receives a written request to this effect. Medical documentation may be required in this case.

The customer’s duration of unavailability period can be transferred to a new season but is not refundable, except for extraordinary incidents, where the written request will be assessed. Medical documentation may also be required for this.


When making the first purchase and/or subscription, you are asked to create a profile on our website or app as a new customer.
These customer profiles are provided by the booking platform and software MINDBODY Inc.

Personal information is General Data Protection Regulation compliant (view the Studio’s PERSONAL DATA POLICY (GDPR) at our website under information).
A data processor agreement exists between The Studio and our payment provider MINDBODY Inc.

Once the customer has created the profile, the customer can buy all of The Studio’s services and products in the future from here.
With the created profile the customer will be able to book the classes they wish to attend by login into The Studio’s site.

The Studio recommends the customer downloading the app ‘STUDIO 20 by Spahi’ (download on App Store or Google Play), to improve the customer’s purchase- and booking process experience.

All purchases of services and products made at The Studio’s platforms are personally associated with the person stated on the created profile and cannot be transferred to or used by another party.


All payment is made online via The Studio’s website or on The Studio’s app. Both platforms are “powered by ‘MINDBODY Inc.’.

Payment can only be made by debit/credit card. The Studio does not accept cash or credit card transactions at the studio.

All amounts are listed and withdrawn in Danish kroner (DKK). The Studio is liable for payroll. Only types of physical products or ticket sales are subjected to VAT.

Payment is charged through booking and payment provider MINDBODY Inc. Go here ( to read their terms and conditions. By accepting The Studio’s terms and conditions, acceptance of The Studio’s booking and payment provider is also given.

Once the customer has created his profile, the customer is able to buy all of The Studio’s services and products onward and book the classes they wish to attend. A credit card must be linked to the customer’s profile to be able to make any purchases at The Studio’s platforms, similar to other subscription platforms.

Payment can be made as a one-time / full payment for singular services or as monthly payments. By choosing monthly payment you allow The Studios payment provider MINDBODY Inc. to withdraw payments from your credit card on the due dates. The amount is charged on the 1st of every month.

ATTN! Full Access packages can only be purchased with the monthly payment option. If you subscribe to monthly payments, the listed payment dates must be met. The customer is responsible for keeping the card updated on his profile.

If the payment date is not met by a valid assigned payment card, the first notice is automatically sent. The owner of the profile then has 7 days to pay the amount or update their billing information. If this does not happen, a second notice will be sent with a fee of DKK 100. If the payment still has not gone through, the case is forwarded to our debt collection company HornskovVindberg A/S, who handles the case moving forward.

Pricing is based on market prices and The Studio’s operational costs as well as other bases for the company’s existence.
Prices may vary from season to season based on normal market changes and business requirements.

All possible additional costs for a class are included in the price. No extra fee is charged for example in regard to the Show Company or Pro Found.


As a customer, you have a 14-day return policy on all purchases. The right of withdrawal takes effect when the customer has received the purchase receipt/confirmation email from The Studio.

Please note that in cases of membership subscriptions, the terms of the right return policy ceases by the first time of participation in the enrolled class. When the return policy period has expired or the service/product has been taken into use, the subscription or purchase is binding.


ATTN! Be aware of the following when signing up for membership subscriptions:

  • After purchase, you choose which class(es) you wish to attend (it will look like you are only signed up for one class)

  • You will then be signed up for that/those class(es) for the rest of the season, which will appear on your profile under ‘Schedule’

    In case of day-to-day absence, you are required to cancel that day, by login into your profile on the app or website, and pressing: ‘Cancel’ on the specific date

  • You must have unsubscribed from the class no later than 5 hours before the class starts on the day in question.
  • If you cancel after the stated deadline, you will be charged a fee of DKK 25 per time for occupying the place from someone else
    If you are signed in to our app, you will automatically be checked in 10 minutes before the class begins or when you are within 100 m of the studio.


By subscribing to the Full Experience, you can sign up for as many classes as you want in your purchased package. i.e., you will be signed up for each chosen class and cannot shop between classes from week to week.

If you want to sign up for extra classes in your purchased package, later on, send us an e-mail at:


ATTN! trial options and drop-in are only possible on Programs & Content Classes. It is not possible to try or drop-in on Companys.

ATTN! You can only try or drop-in on classes if there are spots left in the class, which follows the first-come-first-served principle.

Purchased trial and drop-in options can therefore only be used on classes, that are not filled up by memberships or in cases of day-to-day absence from members. Each class has a maximum capacity of 25 participants.

The Studio announces when classes are full on the website, app, and social media. Purchased trial and drop-in options can be used on remaining classes with open spots. In the event that all classes are full, purchases will be refunded.


If you have signed in to an otherwise fully booked class, you are automatically put on a waiting list. If a spot opens up, you will automatically receive notification of an open spot and be put in the class, no later than 5 hours prior to the start of the class. The waiting list operates on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Studio offers the following options to try out and/or drop-in on The Studio dance classes:


Trial Class:
All new and existing customers have the opportunity to buy a Trial Class at the listed price. Valid one-time per customer per season for 1 optional class. Valid for all Programs and Content Classes.

Trial Pass:
All new and existing customers have the opportunity to buy a Trial Pass at a listed price. Valid one-time per customer per season for 3 optional classes. Valid for all Programs and Content Classes.

If you buy both trial options, you can try out 4 optional classes in total before signing up for a membership subscription.

If you do not want to sign up for a membership subscription or if you wish to try more classes, buy The Studio’s drop-in option.


Stamp Card:
The Studio’s only drop-in option is a 5-class stamp card. The card is valid for 5 optional Program classes or Content Classes. You can mix as much as you want. The card can be purchased a maximum of one time per customer every 3 months and must be used within 3 months after the purchase date. Unused stamps are not refundable.


When renting the studio, the customer is fully responsible for returning the premises in the same condition as prior to rental and has to comply with The Studio’s rental and booking terms. In the event of damage to the facilities, the person attached to the profile renting the studio is fully liable for these.


All dancing at and visits to The Studio location, or in otherwise connection with assignments related to The Studio at other locations, takes place at your own risk.

If you are under the age of 18, The Studio expects the purchases to be made with a guardian or parent.
The Studio disclaims all responsibility regarding this area.

When renting the studio or dancing at the studio, you are personally liable for any damage you may cause to The Studio and its facilities.


The Studio is closed during public schools vacations and holidays. The calendar with closing days and holidays is be found on the website under the ‘Information’ tab.

  • AUTUM BREAK – WEEK 42 – 18/OKT/21 – 24/OKT/21
  • CHRISTMAS BREAK – WEEK 51+52 – 20/DEC/21 – 02/JAN/22
  • WINTER BREAK – WEEK 07 – 14/FEB/22 – 20/FEB/22
  • SUMMER BREAK – WEEK 25-33 – 20/JUN/22 – 15/AUG/22

Vacation days are included in the price


Attendance is each customer own choice


Footage is taken from all classes, events, and shows held at or by The Studio. Recordings and photos from and in connection with The Studio’s activities are owned by The Studio and the content in question may be used by The Studio and dancers attending e.g., for print, online, social media, websites, advertising, and press.

If you do not wish to be filmed, you are responsible for informing the persons making the footage. The Studio disclaims all responsibility for uninformed unwanted filming of the customer in question taking place.

Go to our website to read more about this and specifications regarding storage and use of the above-mentioned material in our data policy.


The customer must account for substitute teachers. We hereby point out that our teachers are professional working dancers, with changing schedules and substitute teachers may therefore occur. The Studio is not accountable for how many times this may happen in a class during a season. In cases with substitution, the classes will always be taught in a style in line with the teacher’s material and style.


The Studio reserves the right to typing errors, pricing errors, proofreading errors, VAT, currency, and tax changes, which may appear on the website an/or in the booking – and payment system.


In the events of external factors including, but not limited to; world situations, declaration of bankruptcy, wind, weather, travel ban, transport, pandemics, or epidemics that might slow down, affect, or otherwise prevent The Studio’s activities for a longer period, purchases are not refunded. Depending on the situation in question, The Studio will try to compensate for any lost classes. These actions include, but are not limited to: online teaching and rescheduling of classes, etc.

Datapolitik (GDPR)



 Studio 20 ApS 
CVR. nr. 41441496 
Sankt Peder Stræde 43,  
1453 København 

Vi indhenter kun persondata i det omfangder er afgørende for at kunne levere vores produkt/ydelse til kunden. Vi vil kun opbevare dine persondata, så længe vi enten er pålagt en juridisk forpligtelse hertil, eller så længe det er relevant for den hensigt, hvormed de blev indsamlet. 

Oplysninger vi indsamler  

Hvis du ønsker at købe og modtage et produkt eller en ydelse fra os, har vi brug for at indsamle visse persondata for at kunne gennemføre handlen, og dermed tilbyde dig vores services. Vi kan bruge cookies til at indsamle data, mens du bruger vores website, til markedsføring- og forretningsmæssige strategier. 

For at kunne oprette dig som medlem hos Studio 20 ApS indsamler vi  følgende oplysningernavn, alder, e-mail, telefonnummer, land og postnummer samt betalingsoplysninger. 

Studio 20 ApS indsamler og behandler dine persondata, når du foretager dig følgende: 

  • Besøger vores hjemmeside/webshop
  • Gennemfører et køb af vores produkter/ydelser
  • Tilmelder dig vores nyhedsbrev
  • Sender os spørgsmål eller feedback 

Vi tager billeder og video fra arrangementer og begivenheder på skolen. Disse billeder bruger vi til at synliggøre skolens hverdag og undervisningstilbud. Herunder kan vi bruge billeder og videoer i markedsføringsøjemed dvs. på trykte materiale, på skolens hjemmeside, og på skolens profil på sociale medier. Såfremt man ikke ønsker optagelse af videoer eller billeder, er det eleven eller værge eget ansvar at gør underviser opmærksom på dette før undervisningsstart. Ønsker eleven ikke at være synlig på billeder-  og videoer, hvor elever kan genkendes, eller portrætbilleder, fotoshoots, forestillingsbilleder mm. i ovenstående henseender og ovenstående platforme, bedes eleven eller værge sende en e-mail til med navn og hold, eller gøre holdets lærer opmærksom på dette til undervisningen. Vælger virksomheden at trykke materiale af elever som kan genkendes bedes der altid om samtykke hertil. 

For at deltage på vores Closed Classes og Special Programs gives der automatisk sammentykke til optagelse og brug af billeder og videoer samt behandling af persondataoplysninger nødvendige for udarbejdelse og gennemgang af CVer, herunder men ikke begrænset til navn, alder, kropsmål og udseendes beskrivende oplysninger 

Den dataansvarlige 

Den dataansvarlige for indsamling, behandling og anvendelse af dine personoplysninger på er administrationen hos Studio 20 ApSSankt Peder Stræde 43, 1453 København, cvr nr. 41441496 

Behandlingsgrundlag og formål 

Dine almindelige kontaktoplysninger som navn og adresse indhenter vi for at kunne levere det produkt eller den ydelse, som du har købt hos os. Din e-mailadresse indhenter vi for at kunne sende dig en ordrebekræftelse samt en leveringsbekræftelse og evt. nyhedsbreve. 

Når du betaler for dit produkt eller din ydelse indsamler vi dit navn, dine kortdata og IP-adresse. De oplysninger, der indsamles i forbindelse med betalingstransaktionen, anvendes og gemmes kun til betalingsafvikling og opfyldelse af den indgåede aftale. Ved gennemførelse af betalinger, vil nogle af dine data blive videregivet til betalingsudbyder EasyMe, læs deres betingelser og privatlivspolitik på følgende links: og

Dette er nødvendig for at gennemføre eller understøtte betalingen, såsom det totale købsbeløb og faktureringsinformation. Hvis du under registreringsprocessen eller på vores hjemmeside har givet os dit samtykke hertil, bruger vi din e-mailadresse til udsendelse af nyhedsbreve. Du kan til enhver tid til- og afmelde dig nyhedsbrevet. Alle nyhedsbreve indeholder også et link til afmelding. Du har du til enhver tid ret til at tilbagekalde samtykke. For tilbagekaldelse af samtykke send en mail  

Hvis du ikke ønsker at opgive de persondata, som er påkrævet for at gennemføre et køb af et produkt, vil du desværre ikke have mulighed for at købe produkter/ydelser hos Studio 20 ApS. 

Dine oplysninger (undtagen din e-mailadresse, hvis du har givet samtykke til behandling heraf med henblik på modtagelse af tilbud) vil blive slettet år ] efter, at du har modtaget din vare eller ydelse. 

Andre modtagere af personoplysninger 

Vi sælger ikke dine persondata til tredjemand og overfører ikke dine persondata til tredjelande. 

Vores hjemmeside er udarbejdet i WordPress gennem webhotellet Vores booking-og betalingssystem er som fungerer som vores databehandler. Alle persondata som du oplyser på vores hjemmeside vil blive opbevaret hos ovenstående datacentre. 

Anvender vi eksterne virksomheder eller personer som leverandører for at levere vores ydelser bedst muligt, er disse databehandlere påkrævet at overholde vores instrukser i overensstemmelse med lovgivningens krav til databehandlere. Relevante databehandleraftaler vil i dette tilfælde udarbejdes. 

Dine rettigheder 

Som den registrerede har du en række rettigheder, som vi til enhver tid skal sikre at opfylde. Du har ret til at anmode os om følgende: 
• At få adgang til og få rettet/ændret dine persondata 
• At få slettet persondata 

Du har derudover ret til at protestere over behandlingen af dine personlige data, og du har ret til at indgive klage til en databeskyttelsesmyndighed. 

Ønsker du at få ændret i indsamlet persondata, at vi ikke længere behandledine personoplysninger, eller at vi skal begrænse behandlingen af dine personoplysninger, skal du sende os en anmodning herom til vores  

Vi bruger cookies for at kunne give dig den bedste oplevelse. Ved at bruge vores side accepterer du brugen af cookies.